Icon-Fonts https://project.itonboard.eu/media/icons-1/icons https://project.itonboard.eu/@@site-logo/logo-ITONBOARD.png Icon-Fonts Font-Family-ID Font-Family-ID for the Icon itonboad SVG-File 05/17/2018 - Works well with Fontello, IcoMoon and Glyphicon itonboad.svg — SVG image, 6 KB EOT-File itonboad.eot — application/vnd.ms-fontobject, 3 KB TTF-File itonboad.ttf — font/truetype, 3 KB WOFF-File itonboad.woff — application/x-font-woff, 3 KB WOFF2-File No file settings Visible within the sitemap yes Contents instagram twitter linkedin facebook youtube xing